SVG Sprites


LDPN In the News 05.11.2020

No one should have monopoly on potential vaccine

Des Moines Register – 5/11/20

LTE by Dr. Selden Spencer, Ames

Archive 05.07.2020

Des Moines Register

LDPN In the News 05.07.2020

Ernst still has a ways to go

Des Moines Register – 5/7/20

LTE by Jerry Hageman, Waterloo

Press Release 05.06.2020

American Oversight and Lower Drug Prices Now Request Information on COVID-19 Vaccine Pricing 

Washington, DC — Nonpartisan ethics watchdog American Oversight and the Lower Drug Prices Now coalition today filed four Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for information on the development of coronavirus vaccines and the agency’s plans for making vaccines available to the public.”

Press Release 05.05.2020

Attorney General Keith Ellison, Advocates Call On Congress To Take Immediate Action To Make COVID Treatments Affordable To All

WASHINGTON — Today, the Lower Drug Prices Now coalition co-hosted a press call following Eli Lilly’s shareholder meeting and in advance of Gilead’s to demand that COVID treatments developed with taxpayer dollars be affordable and accessible to all. 

Press Release 05.04.2020

Statement from Margarida Jorge, Campaign Director, Lower Drug Prices Now, on the news that early trials of Gilead’s Remdesivir have shown positive results

“This is great news. But based on Gilead’s record, we’re deeply concerned that they’ll use their monopoly control to price-gouge patients and make this potentially life-saving treatment unaffordable and inaccessible. Remdesivir was developed using tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, and should be made available at no additional cost.

Archive 04.30.2020

Maine senior joins national press conference to demand any COVID-19 vaccine be free

Maine Beacon – 4/30/2020

Barbara Lawson joined a national, virtual press conference with health care advocates and federal lawmakers from her home in Hollis on Wednesday, to demand any potential drugs to treat COVID-19 are affordably priced. She asked Congress to crack down on attempts from big pharmaceutical companies to profiteer off of these drugs.

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