SVG Sprites


LDPN In the News 07.13.2020

Is too much hope being put into a coronavirus vaccine?

Yahoo News – 7/13/20

“There’s been little action in Congress on the one thing that actually could get things back to normal: ensuring an affordable COVID-19 vaccine that could curtail the spread of the disease. The first step is obviously the investment we’re already seeing to create the vaccine, but the second step is just as important: regulation and accountability to ensure that medicines we’re paying to develop are accessible to all.” — Margarida Jorge, Marketwatch

Press Release 07.08.2020

Statement on Operation Warp Speed giving $1.6 billion to Novavax

 “Operation Warp Speed continues gambling away billions in taxpayer dollars. The Trump Administration, which is filled with former Pharma execs and lobbyists, just handed over another $1.6 billion to Novavax, a drug corporation that’s never successfully brought a product to market.”

Archive 07.06.2020

Des Moines Register

LDPN In the News 07.06.2020

Ernst needs to work for common man, not donors 

Des Moines Register – 7/6/20

LTE by Logun Buckley, Alliance for Retired Americans, Waterloo

Press Release 07.02.2020

Statement on Moderna executives selling stock since pursuing COVID vaccine

“This news serves as a reminder that as the White House continues to hand over billions in taxpayer dollars for a coronavirus vaccine without a guarantee of affordability, Big Pharma continues to focus on its profits not patients,” said “American taxpayers are co-owners of this potential vaccine, but it’s only Moderna that’s reaping the profits — we foot the bill while they line their pockets.”

LDPN In the News 06.30.2020

What We Can Learn From The AIDS Crisis In The Race For A COVID-19 Vaccine

WBUR – 6/30/20

“One campaign fighting for global access and a free vaccine, Free the Vaccine, represents 29 countries and two organizations, Universities Allied for Essential Medicines and the Center for Artistic Activism. Another is Lower Drug Prices Now, a U.S. coalition of nearly 60 social justice organizations.”

Archive 06.29.2020

Des Moines Register

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