“This package focuses on the most immediate relief and recovery needs. We hope President Trump and Senate Leader McConnell will follow Speaker Pelosi’s lead and take swift action to help millions who desperately need it.”
Washington, DC — Nonpartisan ethics watchdog American Oversight and the Lower Drug Prices Now coalition today filed four Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for information on the development of coronavirus vaccines and the agency’s plans for making vaccines available to the public.”
WASHINGTON — Today, the Lower Drug Prices Now coalition co-hosted a press call following Eli Lilly’s shareholder meeting and in advance of Gilead’s to demand that COVID treatments developed with taxpayer dollars be affordable and accessible to all.
“This is great news. But based on Gilead’s record, we’re deeply concerned that they’ll use their monopoly control to price-gouge patients and make this potentially life-saving treatment unaffordable and inaccessible. Remdesivir was developed using tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, and should be made available at no additional cost.
Washington – Today, the Lower Drug Prices Now coalition co-hosted a telephone town hall to demand access to affordable COVID drugs for seniors and call on Big Pharma not to profiteer off of the coronavirus pandemic. Prescription drug costs have continued to skyrocket in the last decade, forcing many senior Americans to have to choose between medications they need to survive, and other everyday necessities.
Leaders Urge Congress To Take Action In Next Relief Bill To Ensure All Workers Get Low Cost COVID Medicines
Congressmen Chuy Garcia and Steven Horsford joined Lower Drug Prices Now and frontline workers for a tele-town hall urging Congress to guarantee affordable medicines and vaccines for workers by preventing pandemic profiteering by drug corporations that received taxpayer funds for developing COVID treatments.
New Jersey — Today, Lower Drug Prices Now coalition partners Health Care Voter, New Jersey Citizen Action, and New Jersey Organizing Project joined together to tell Johnson & Johnson not to profiteer off of the coronavirus pandemic.