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LDPN In the News 05.03.2021

Common Dreams: Moderna Offer of Vaccines for Global South ‘Not a Substitute for Patent Justice,’ Advocates Say

Advocates for vaccine equity on Monday responded to the news of Moderna’s pledge to make 500 million doses of its vaccine available to developing countries by calling for a truly global effort to end the coronavirus pandemic—rather than individual acts of charity by pharmaceutical companies.

LDPN In the News 04.29.2021

STAT: Biden called for drug pricing reform this year.

WASHINGTON — President Biden told Congress Wednesday to let Medicare negotiate drug prices this year. But it’s an empty call to action.

“Let’s give Medicare the power to save hundreds of billions of dollars by negotiating lower prices for prescription drugs.

LDPN In the News 04.28.2021

Common Dreams: Study Commissioned by Sanders Shows US Pays 2 to 4 Times More for Prescription Drugs Than Other Nations

The Vermont senator urged Biden to include key drug-pricing reforms in his American Families Plan to stop Big Pharma from “ripping off the American people.”

A new government study commissioned by Sen. Bernie Sanders shows that the U.S. pays two to four times more for prescription drugs than other rich countries,

LDPN In the News 04.28.2021

The Independent: Study reveals Americans pay four times more for medicine compared to wealthy countries

A government study commissioned by Senator Bernie Sanders has revealed that Americans pay two to four times more on prescription medicine compared to other wealthy countries.

Analysis released by the Government Acountability Office (GAO) found that US consumers and insurers paid 2.82 times more than in Canada,

Press Release 04.28.2021

The American Families Plan is incomplete without lowering drug prices

The Biden Administration and congressional Democrats have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help the millions of Americans still forced to choose between basic necessities and the prescription medicines they need to live healthy lives. While the American Families Plan includes investments that directly respond to the urgent needs of millions of families, the proposal is incomplete without long-overdue measures to make prescription drugs more affordable for every person, no matter who they are, where they live, or how much money they have in their bank account.

Press Release 04.26.2021

Group Calls for SEC Investigation of Emergent BioSolutions CEO Robert Kramer

This is just the latest shocking and disgusting example of an industry that puts profits above all else. The actions by Mr. Kramer must be immediately and urgently investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.  

Press Release 04.22.2021

American Family Plan must include lowering drug prices

We urge the Biden Administration to fulfill a campaign promise by including legislation to lower prescription prices in the American Family Plan. Lowering the cost of prescription drugs continues to be a leading issue for Americans in poll after poll, particularly in Black and Brown communities and for seniors across the country. Given the economic and health aftermath of COVID, the demand for affordable prescription drugs will only grow over the coming years. Omitting drug pricing reform from a Build Back Better package makes neither policy nor political sense.  

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